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Why we are launching City Smart Toys

Welcome to City Smart Toys, where we're on a mission to reframe playtime with urban toys, books and vehicles! It all started with a simple realization – after our 3 year old received his 3rd(!) plastic parking garage set, we knew there had to be more to playtime than endless loops of car-centric toys. As parents, we were determined to provide a different kind of play experience, one that celebrates the richness and diversity of urban life.

At City Smart Toys, we believe that playtime should reflect the vibrancy of urban places around us. That's why we've curated a thoughtful collection of toys and books that embrace the urban experience in all its glory. From bustling cityscapes to boundless imaginations, our selection is designed to inspire creativity, exploration, and a sense of wonder.

This mission is not anti-car. Many families depend on cars to get around because their neighbourhoods and towns are designed a certain way. For certain trips, cars are indeed the best option. But there is a clear imbalance that is apparent when you step into any toy-store. Our goal is to fix this. Yes, car toys are great fun but there need to be options for more urban-positive alternatives.

Join us in embracing the urban-positive movement and discover a world of play that goes beyond the car, the parking lot and the traffic jam. Whether it's through imaginative city adventures or captivating stories, let's redefine playtime together – one toy at a time.

Go ahead and explore our collection of products and reach out to us with ideas for relevant, urban-positive products that you would like to see included in our collections.

Welcome to City Smart Toys!

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